On April 5-6, OzFormers established a booth at the SupaNova convention to test fan interest for a Transformers convention in Australia. The booth was a smashing success, and as plans are already set in motion for Australia's first fully dedicated Transformers convention for 2004, word needs to get out to the Transfan population that this great event is going to occur during the Transformers' 20th anniversary!
Animania is an annual animé convention held in Sydney. In an effort to promote Transfandom in Australia and increase awareness of the impending convention for 2004, OzFormers will have be having a small presence at Animania 2003.
What to expect:
Venue: The Scientia, University of New South Wales Anzac Parade Kensington
Date: October 11
Time: 10:00-17:00
Cost: 1 day pre-registered = $10 2 days pre-registered = $18
1 day pay at door = $15 2 days pay at door = $30
For more information about Animania 2003, visit the official Animania 2003 web site!
**Please note that although the Animania convention runs for two days during October 11-12, OzFormers @ Animania will only be running during the first day of the convention.
UPDATE! The following people were the winners of the Transformers Armada Battle For Cybertron Tournament! 3rd Draw Winner (Air Attack Mini-Con Team) = Morgan Carty, St Marys NSW 2nd Draw Winner (Blurr /w Inferno) = Richard Davey, Pagewood NSW 1st Draw Winner (Tidalwave /w Ramjet) = Damien McGovern, Dapto NSW Congratulations to all three winners!